Thursday, April 23, 2009

tri it... so far i like it.

i have officially signed on the dotted line of my first triathlon. it is a sprint course: 1/2 Mile Swim 14 Mile Bike 3 Mile Run. the date is June 6th... and it is rapidly approaching.

let's first start with my qualifications. i was a distance swimmer in high school (by force, not choice, i preferred the less intense sprints. get it?) i have always enjoyed a sunny bike ride on a warm afternoon and running was my favorite method of release during college. favorite is a strong word, it was at least on par with tanqueray or a good red wine.

moving on to my disqualifications. or rather, the limiting factors that have kept me from attempting anything like this in the past. i am more likely to frequent the pool as a synchronized swimming coach than as an athlete myself, my backside gets sore mere minutes into any bike training, and my short legs are prone to interior shin splints, and general slowness.

why a triathlon, you may ask? said stumpy legs would not allow me to try for a marathon, and i had the intense desire to do something big. to challenge myself with a goal in mind, to work towards something physical, something inherently taxing. to forgo mental limitations i have always placed on myself n favor of pushing to a new level. it has been a long time, in any area of my life, that i have stuck to a plan or plotted a course that i actually followed. it was time for a general shake up...

i have enlisted the help of a general support staff of friends, as well as my CrossFit coach, and all around professor of pain, Coach Williams. CW has been instrumental in my training thus far, despite his general fear of water and all things pool related. his training plan includes crazy activities, like running through half-melted snow banks (my legs were bruised beyond recognition after that one) and kettle bell workouts n conjunction with sprints in the pool as well as CrossFit training. he has successfully tested my lung capacity more than synchronized swimming ever did. didn't think that was possible.

my intention for this little blog was to maintain a certain level of accountability with my valued friends and family.


you can see that is going well, as this is my first post despite the fact that training began in february. i have got to work on my neumann follow-through.

stay tuned for training updates and preparations as the big (mini) race draws near... wish me luck!